Officially, Launch is a non-profit organization that provides leadership training and development for middle school and high school students. But what we really do is empower young people to go out and change the world. Pretty awesome, right? I have been a member of the Volunteer Staff for over 20 years and have had the privilege to serve in several capacities from group facilitator to graphic designer.
After joining Staff (our all-encompassing term for Launch Volunteer Staffers), I signed up for as many committees as possible. I wanted to do it all — lead small groups at our summer Workshops, decorate the college campus to reflect the theme of the Workshop, hand letter all of the nametags for our students, write curriculum for our junior high kids (like, making a human burrito!) and more. I've been hooked on Launch since I was 15 and I don't see myself ever stepping away from this amazing organization. As a Volunteer Staffer, I have been a: Facilitator, New Staff Trainer, Board Member, Workshop Director, Newsletter Editor, Graphic Designer/Brand Manager and Development Manager.
Perhaps one of my greatest accomplishments as a Staffer was to develop our brand. As a part of the branding committee, I designed the logo, the style guide and the basis of all other Launch materials (leadership guides for our students, teaching guides for our Staff and merchandise). It is an absolute thrill to see our Staff and Students latch onto the brand — they wear it, they talk about it, they post about it, they become a part of our commitment to leadership development.